Oil on canvas
W40 cm x H50 cm (W15.74 x H19.68 inches)2023
The fabulous "The Angleman" has been selected as a finalist in the 3rd Toolip International Art Contest.
I'm sad and angular, I don't feel the curves. My wings are broken, The melodies have flown away, The angel of joy has left. Now I'm just a spike. The Angleman.
Att CoWatch is a creative artist embodying the dual dynamics oflife and art.He stepped onto theworld stage inNagyszőlős, atthe foot ofthe BlackMountain. Spending hischildhood in his grandfather’s house, he encountered paints and artfor the firsttime,which have since remained defining aspects of hislife.
During hisschool years, hewasintroverted, yetinspired by art books, he explored the excitingworld of art. Following his own path, he drewinspiration from classical artistslike Leonardo da Vinci andMichelangelo, alltheway to SalvadorDali,where he found his own artisticstyle.
Despite initialsetbacks, he remained faithfulto his artistic passion. A turning pointin hislifewas his military service,where he faced challenges and constraints.Nonetheless, even amidst military conditions, he found the opportunity forcreation, paintingwith a fellowinmate in the barracks’ boilerroom.
This period strengthened his determination and perseverance in art. Returning home,furtherchallenges awaited, but he did not give up.Heworked and struggled to support his family, while remaining true to his art. Amidst difficulties, he found time and energy for creation, which served not only as artistic expression but also as a refuge and spiritualsupport. The story of Att CoWatch and art are a testamentto the triumph of determination and perseverance over adversity.
Artist notjust a form of expression but away oflife and a toolforself-realization.
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