Ella Das
Dimensions: W48 x H54 x D51cm
(W18.89 x H21.25 x 20.07inches)2024
The historic "Children of Gaza" has been selected as a finalist in the 3rd Toolip International Art Contest.
I saw a Facebook photo of children in a war zone and couldn't get it out of my mind. I started exploring the subject, and the profusion of material spanning time and culture overwhelmed me. Violence against children has been with mankind for ages and is a shameful testimony to the uglier part of our nature. The sculpture is not a political statement. I wanted to honor children, the most vulnerable, helpless victims subjected to the atrocities of wars, violence, cruelty, harm, neglect, or abandonment, regardless of creed, color, or nationality
A psychologist and linguist by education and a ceramicist and sculptor by choice. She took up sculpture towards the end of 2020, after 11 years of working as a ceramicist. In the summer of 2021, she completed an intensive program in figurative sculpture at the Florence Academy of Art. In 2021/2022, she worked in the studio of prof. Adam Myjak at the sculpture department of the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts. In 2022-2023, she completed a residency at Geode Art Studios in Catalonia, Spain, and a semester in the sculpture department of the Barcelona Academy of Art.
Finalist in the Society of Portrait Sculpture FACE2023 Competition, 2023, London
Shortlisted for the Figurativas Catalogue of 2023 Biennale Figurativas, Museu Europeu d'Art Modern, Barcelona
Finalist in Mrs Toolip International Art Contest 2023, Barcelona
Finalist in Barcelona Academy of Art Students and Teachers Exhibition 2023, Barcelona
Distinguished in Select 50, the 25th International Portraiture and Figurative Art, Portrait Society of America, 2023, Atlanta, Georgia
Distinguished as Semi-finalist, the 16th International ARC Salon 2023, New York
Finalist in the End-of-the-Year Student Exhibition at Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts
Awarded the Certificate of Artistic Achievement, the Luxembourg Art Prize 2022 Competition, Luxembourg
Finalist, 1st National Biennial of Small Ceramic Forms, Sculpture category, Wejherowo Cultural Center, Poland, 2020.
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